Sunday 20 February 2011

Sixth Form Magazine Final Outcome

This is my final outcome for my Sixth Form magazine. This is related to the template I made on a previous blog. All the objects as such are in the same position. My magazine is called “Deyes Weekly” this will instantly attract a reader to getting a hold of it because they will want to know what is going on around the school/sixth form. The banner I have runs along the right hand side of the page which tells us what the magazine is about technically. The main image I used is related straight to the headline. There is 1 puff used on the design and is very attractive because it says “Half Price Food” I have used bright blue as the main background colour for the design because it stands out and is very attractive to see. I also used a barcode at the bottom left hand corner, I used this just to show that the magazine looks professional and not a blag.

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